About Us
The Sea Ranch Thespians are dedicated to bringing the most professional productions possible to the barn theater. The Thespians started in 1998 using some “affordable black fabric” as a backdrop and some contractor lights. We now have more than 100 professional theater lights, computers, projectors, theater curtains and equipment better than many professional theaters.
The Thespians are all volunteers. Acting talent comes from the local community and beyond – retired professionals as well as “I have never been on stage, but would like to try” folks have joined the Thespians, and the directors are skilled in working with all. Local artists have volunteered their skills to design sets, paint special backdrops, create program and poster designs, and design and maintain this web site. The enthusiasm is catching.
The Knipp Stengel Barn was built in 1880 out of redwood from the near-by hills. Its size allows a stage to be erected in a variety of sizes, levels and locations. The acoustics are wonderful – no doubt appreciated by the animals who were the original residents.
The Barn Crew spent over ten years doing a structural renovation of the barn and then became skilled theater set builders. The crew gathers at the barn every Saturday morning at 9am. New volunteers are always welcome.
The performances are free – a gift to the community from Carol Emory and John Wingate (now via The Wingate Foundation).
The Sea Ranch Thespians is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation and relies on donations to finance its productions. If you would like to help support future productions, send your contribution to The Sea Ranch Thespians, Box 149, The Sea Ranch, CA 95497.